Our Vision

Study Comrade encourages peer learning. We believe in growing together. Study Comrade introduces the co-learning friendly packages to enhance the student’s learning abilities and keep them interested throughout the course. A study platform in which you can learn from professionals, track your progress and have interactive doubt sessions with your “Study Comrade”. Wide options to choose,weekly rewards, cashback offer after completion of the course, tracking your progress, internship opportunities and many more to come. Now Quality content is no longer expensive.

Recognitions and Achievements

DPIIT: Successfully Recognized is a Collaborative Learning Platform Providing Industry-Demanding Courses at very Affordable Prices.Our Vision is to build a completely online learning experience where learners can master any technology with their GANG.We want to make that online learning Experince More Fun and Collobarative Just like the Way we used to have in Offline Mode.

CHUNAUTI 2.0 : Completed and got selected for CHUNAUTI 2.0 Challenge conducted by STPI,INDIA under NGIS by STARTUP INDIA among 2300+ Registered start-ups

We are Trusted By

“Study Comrade is trusted by students nationwide for reliable support.”